What was wrong?
The nitrogens should not have hydrogens bonded to them. It is a problem with the delocalised bonds. If you separate them into single and double bonds the situation would be obvious. I needed the resonance structures for molecular mechanics, in order for all bonds to be the same length.
A hydrogen was missing at the 5'-C, no idea why.
The third thing I think was wrong is the amino nitrogen. It may have been too pyramidal because classical MM can't properly include conjugation effects. I don't know if it should be all the way planar or a little bit bent. The structure depends on the semiempirical method used (AM1 makes it planar, PM3 and MNDO bent). I guess I would need an ab initio calculation to do that. But I don't have a computer program and I don't have 64 parallel chips working for me. Í have to ask my professor if I can get access to our school's Gaussian. That would be amazing. But I don't know if it would work. Another problem is that I modelled an isolated gasphase molecule at absolute zero (something you don't have a lot in real life).
Never used Gaussian? I'm surprised.
yes, I've never got to use Gaussian. life is rough ...
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