Wednesday, 30 April 2008

The place to be ...

... this July is Vienna. Because then you can attend this pretty cool summer school:

If you are coming I invite you for a beer (unless you are coming either way ...)

By the way you can ask yourself who the two people on the picture are, and why.
And which one of them was on the Austrian 1000 Schilling note.


Unknown said...

Newton and Schrodinger, surely?

Classical physics and Quantum Physics...

And Schrodinger, being Austrian, would certainly be on an Austrian note...

Felix said...

yeah, that's it

Anonymous said...

I'd like to use your amazing molecule images in presentations to people - including college students - who have suffered a significant loss ("Our Brain and Body When We Grieve"). I'd give full credit; link to your blog. Is it okay?

Do you need more info? If so, may I email you?

Felix said...

It's nice that people seem to like these pictures :)
please send me a short email, mostly for curiosity: felix300 _