This way you can propagate a wave packet when you know the potential energy and the wavefunction at the start.
For every Hermitian operator (like H) there is a basis of its eigenfunctions. The physical interpretation is that the state of the system can always be seen as superposition of eigenstates.
Expand Ψ into these functions. And apply the fact that they are eigenfunctions.

The harmonic oscillator is an interesting example. The energies are Ek = (k+1/2)hν. If you plug this in, you will notice that it is a periodic function and the frequency is ν the classical frequency of the oscillator and the frequency of the light that causes the transition. (To be precise: Ψ*Ψ is the same after 2π/ν and Ψ has the opposite sign, it has a period of 4π/ν.) I will show in the next post what such a wave packet looks like.
One more consideration. What happens to an eigenfunction in the time-dependent formulation?

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