Friday 13 January 2012

Excited states

Our review article "Electronically excited states and photodynamics: a continuing challenge" just came out. Somehow I am even first author ...

The article is a summary about today's methods for computing excited states. And in particular there is a section about interchromophore interactions, which I wrote. If you are interested in any of that, give it a try ...


Bateman said...


Felix said...

danke :)

Vivien Badaut said...

Seems like a very interesting article ! But unfortunately behing a paywall...
Could you be so kind a to give us an outline & abstract of the paper as a teaser? :-)

Felix said...

Hi, I think most university libraries would have that journal (TCA). It was a summary about properties of excited states. Then excited state electronic structure methods (TDDFT, coupled cluster, ...). Also dynamics. And additionally a part about interacting chromophores.